Editorial Board
Joint Editors-in-Chief
Dr Peta Tehan BHSc (Pod), GCertWoundCare, GCertPTT,
GCertClinEpidemiol, PhD, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC
Dr Zlatko Kopecki PhD, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA
Editor Emeritus
Prof Allison Cowin PhD, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA
Board members
Prof David G Armstrong DPM, MD, PhD, University of Southern California Tucson, USA
Prof Dimitri Beeckman, RN, PhD Ghent University Belgium
A/Prof Virginie Blanchette, DPM, MSc, PhD University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Canada
Prof Keryln Carville RN, PhD, Curtin University, Perth, WA
Prof Helen Edwards RN, PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane QLD
A/Prof Brooke Farrugia, PhD, University of Melbourne
Dr Kathleen Finlayson RN, PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane QLD
Dr Nicoletta Frescos BApplSci (Pod), PhD, La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC
Prof Amit Gefen PhD, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv
Adj Prof Emily Haesler PhD, BN, Curtin University, Perth, WA
Prof Jan Kottner PhD, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Donna Larsen RN, NP, Royal Perth Bentley Group, Perth, WA
Dr Sharon Latimer PhD, BN, Griffith University, QLD
A/Prof Peter Lazzarini PhD, BAppSci, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane QLD
Dr Rachael Murray PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD
Prof Karen Ousey PhD, University of Huddersfield, UK.
A/Prof Christina Parker RN, PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane QLD
Dr Jenny Prentice RN, BN, PhD, Trojan Health, Perth, WA
Prof Sebastian Probst, RN, PhD, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
Dr Robyn Rayner RN, PhD, Curtin University, Perth, WA
Prof Lisette Schoonhoven MSc, PhD, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
A/Prof Geoffrey M Sussman OAM, FACP, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC
Sue Templeton RN, MNSc (NP) Royal District Nursing Service, Adelaide, SA
A/Prof Michael Woodward AM, MBBS, MD, Austin Health, Melbourne, VIC
Editorial correspondence
The editors
GPO Box 277 Melbourne VIC 3001