Volume 33 Number 1
Better together
Louise Fuller
For referencing Fuller L. Better together. Transplant Journal of Australasia. 2024;33(1):1.
DOI 10.33235/tja.33.1.1
As the Games of the XXXlll Olympiad draws to a close in Paris and the sportsmen and women from around the world head to their homelands, it obvious that participating together in the spirit of community makes for success. Transplanting organs today requires a huge team effort from donation, to surgery, to ICUs, to wards and to the successful outpatient management by multiple disciplines to achieve the final goal of ensuring patients maximise their second chance.
This edition is evidence of the breadth of our transplant community and how all these teams must work collaboratively together. Our guest editor is Dr Rohit D’Costa who discusses the future of donation after voluntary assist death (VAD) and the many issues that need to be considered.
Maria Correas discusses VAD of a different kind that of ventricular assist devices and how telehealth assisted these patient to be supervised and remain Covid-free during the pandemic.
Music therapy and the introduction of a wholistic approach to supporting paediatric liver transplant is described in a lovely article by musical therapist Heidi Hutchinson.
The Transplant Nurses Association held a one day forum in conjunction with the annual TSANZ national conference in June in Melbourne. AP Bron Levvey, Chris Ellis and Julie Pavlovic have completed a report of the forum. During the TSANZ conference, Transplant Australia was presented with a grant to promote sports participation to all transplant recipients. This grant was funded by the Australian Sports Commission and presented to Transplant Australia’s chief executive Chris Thomas by Assistant Minister for Health, the Hon. Ged Kearney. Chris Thomas’s article describes how this grant will assist in providing impetus to become involved in sport.
So sit back and enjoy the Paralympic Games and revel in the strength and tenacity of these wonderful athletes.
Louise Fuller